Monday 17 September 2012

BF3 Ultimate Squad - Part 2

This is the second in a series of five blog posts specifying, what I believe to be, the best combination of classes for a four man squad. Whilst the Battlefield is most certainly a fluid, living system requiring at certain points direct modification of behaviour to counter a specific threat, it is my belief that the following squad can counter most – if not all – threats. Click here to view myfirst blog.

My second pick for the ultimate squad is the Engineer class.

Title: Anti-Tank Engineer
Weapon: Carbine
Side Arm: Silenced
Gadget 1: RPG/SMAW
Gadget 2: Mines
Squad Perk: Explosives

Reason: I believe, apart from Metro, every map in BF3 has some form of Armoured Vehicle. It should come as no surprise then that for a squad to be successful and self-sufficient that an Engineer is needed with Anti-Tank capabilities. RPG/SMAW, when utilised effectively, are superior to the Javelin and the Carbine is almost, if not equally effective as an assault rifle. All together it makes the most single handedly destructive soldier and henceforth I'll break down the mentality/abilities.

As with all classes, PDW/Shotguns can be used with this class alongside the exclusive weapons of the class – in this case Carbines. In reality, you would pick your favourite gun from the list available to the Engineer, as you need to be comfortable engaging infantry. Utilising a suppressor is an option, however, the firepower of the Carbines alongside a Recon already favouring Stealth means that it isn't a necessity. The player should travel with the rest of the squad and provide backup when needed.

RPG/SMAW is chosen over the Javelin for a few good reasons. The most obvious one is that Tanks/IFVs can utilise smoke, rendering the Javelin all but useless. Of course, not every Tank/IFV will run smoke, but it is of my belief that any player using an Armoured Vehicle should run Smoke, so it would be against logic to advise Javelins for their disposal. I have verified it myself that it takes 2 in the rear, 4 from the side to destroy a Tank, with a similar amount for IFVs. Utilising these facts for disposing of Tanks/IFVs will leave you with rockets to spare and will be just as effective as a Javelin. Another reason to go against Javelin using is the sad fact that SOLFAMs are not common place on the Battlefield and that smart tank drivers can use buildings as cover.

When an armoured vehicle appears, every effort should be taken to flank said vehicle in order to maximise damage. Moving with another member of the squad, preferably with a suppressed gun, the 2 man team should move to the rear of the vehicle before engaging. Once the initial shot is fired, assessment of the situation should be made so as to engage the vehicle again from the rear or side. With support from the second soldier, it should be possible to remove the vehicle with minimal team losses.

I have picked Mines for Gadget 2. Clever, concealed mines can hugely benefit the team and help rid the Battlefield of enemy vehicles. Since mines don't disappear after death, the Engineer can place and forget. It is of my opinion that mines should be placed in areas that are hard to see when driving, such as a slope or inside a crater, as a mine in the open will easily be seen by many vehicle drivers.

Finally, the squad perk I have chosen is Explosion, for obvious reasons. Double the amount of RPGs/Mines seriously benefits yourself and allows you to be less dependent on ammo resupplies. 

In conclusion, the Anti-Tank engineer has a well earned position inside the ultimate squad. Providing Anti-Tank capabilities, the player can engage and destroy enemy armour whilst the rest of the squad provides backup/diversions. Mines allow a place-and-forget attitude to destroying armour elsewhere on the map and finally, the firepower of the Carbines allow engaging of infantry.

Visit again next week for discussion on the 3rd member of the ultimate squad.

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