Tuesday 23 April 2013

Zombie, run! 5k Review

Early 2007, I think. Yeah, early 2007; the last time I did any real cardio and the last time I was in P.E class. To say I was fit then would be stretching the truth as far as possible. Sure, I dabbled with the gym in my first year of University and yeah, there have been occasions where I had to run, but try as I might I have not managed to make myself “fit” despite multiple attempts.

I’m pleased to announce to my unfit body and BigMac filled arteries that I have found my saving grace; a fitness plan, a compelling story and a game rolled into one: Zombie, Run! 5k.


Zombie, run! was originally released after a successful kickstarter campaign as an app offering a story between your lady gaga songs, with the ability to build up a base using supplies you collected on your run avoiding zombies. Whilst it is claimed you can utilize this app without any running experience, the developers Six to Start released Zombie, run! 5k as a “couch to 5k” trainer for those in need of a little guidance.

The Facts

The app requires a few additional items to make it useful. Don’t sweat (yet), you just need some music stored on your phone (Android users can’t use Google Play Music or Spotify, likewise Apple can’t use Spotify either) and some headphones. The phone can make use of either the accelometer or GPS in order to determine your speed, so treadmill junkies are accommodated, but as an added bonus for GPS users, your runs are tracked and mapped according to the route you took.

As you imagine, this app is designed to build you to the point of been able to run 5k, so to progress you must complete workouts in a linear fashion.  After selecting the run, you are prompting to choose your music playlist to listen to and what method of tracking you want to use. After this simple step, you’re ready to go. Characters from the game-world introduce themselves and prompt you as to when to do your drills and when not to. The exercises were created by professionals, so you’re not following some randoms rubbish workout, and delivered to you with the idea of being completed 3 times a week. As the run takes place, your music is faded out for the delivery of instructions and story; you are also notified as to when the run is completed. However, if you feel like you have extra to give, you can carry on the run and it will be tracked.

After completing a run, it is logged on your phone as completed and the next run is made available. You are given the option of registering on the Zombie, run! website to use their run tracker. Here, you can view your route, day of completion, calories and other interesting information such as average pace and when/where you completed a section of the story. You can enable sharing of these runs, so your friends can give you a kick in the arse if you don’t do a run or share their congratulations with you when you do a good run.

The Opinion

As I mentioned in the blurb at the beginning, I was an unfit and unmotivated individual who couldn’t get fit. Zombie, Run! 5k interested me greatly as it combined a few elements that, in my brain anyway, seems like a fantastic idea; a story, a game and a way of getting fit. I’m so pleased to say that, as of writing, I have just completed my 1st workout in Week 3 of the programme. Before undertaking the run, I commented to my significant other that the run looked half impossible and I’d struggle. 5.8Kms in 46 minutes later and I was tired but feeling fantastic; not once did I feel like giving up and I was majorly surprised at my new found stamina…at week 3!

To back up slightly, my first run extremely difficult. It was actually not part of the workout regimen, rather the introductory story-driven episode from the main app, ported over to give the user a bit of understanding of the game-world. I tried to run as much as I could during this, but the story was delivered after the music and my choices of 8 minute songs were…to say the least…foolish. The next day was hell; aches and pains in muscles I didn’t know existed as well as the inability to stand. But once the regime kicked in, the problems from my first run didn’t occur again. The delivery of instructions within music is fantastic, as one can just run and not worry about the length of song.

The story makes you smile or, when they suggest a zombie is behind you, does actually give you a bit of motivation to crack on a bit. The characters are interesting and you can sense there is a real story behind the people you meet that I can’t wait to flesh out once I’m finished with the regiment. A slight complaint would be that sometimes the voices are a bit quiet, but that could (and probably is) down to the quality of my headphones).

In terms of functionality, the app has worked brilliantly. Using GPS, it has successfully tracked all but one of my runs, with that run mapped wrongly. Co-incidentally, that occurred when I actually paused my run, so I suppose that was the culprit. The app has never crashed on me, and all my progress has been successfully saved. I have had trouble uploading my runs to the website, but it is fixed by just logging out and re-logging in. The app is very simple to use as well, which is always a plus! There is no base building in this app which is a big downer for me, as I’m a sucker for this sort of stuff, but as it is training you to actually do missions for the base, I can see why this was done. Heck, more motivation to use the main app!

Referring back to uploading of the runs to the website, it is a great feature that has had me looking at my runs and picking out points where I can pick up the pace. It also lets you see your average pace which is very nifty. I have made use of sharing my runs with selected people and it’s a very nice feature and another motivator.

The Final Verdict

A common word I've used is “motivator”. And if this lazy writer is using that word, then it must be a damn good motivator. I’m not ready to run marathons, or even 5km, but with this app I have the best chance to. The biggest piece of praise I can give is that I wish I had found this app earlier in life; I really feel that it is going to improve my health, fitness and make it enjoyable. I’m only on week 3, but even getting to that stage is a fantastic testament to this app and I really hope that anyone who needs to get fit will give this a chance.

As a side note, I am considering blogging about my running experience, so for those on the bench about buying this app, I might convince you yet!

Zombie, Run! 5K is available on Android 4.0 & iOS. 

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